Sunday, November 25, 2012

Grieving Gets Easier, and Here's How!!!!

You must leave now, take what you need, you think will last
But whatever you wish to keep, you better grab it fast

1. blogger's block
2. pumpkin pie
3. weight room at the Y w/my man
4. days in jammies
5. great friends and in-laws that adore my children
6. the cardigan that wouldn't quit
7. blues for breakfast piped over the internet all the way from Eugene Oregon (how twisted is that?)
8. falling asleep, just one night, listening to a bit of music on WBEZ, thinking about the constant grief and torn-up loss that is the Torey Malatia killing-off of 8PM-4AM music programming, jazz & blues, every night of the week (was that 2006?)....recent news?
9. considering, to myself, that after all these years, I'm more hurt over WBEZ in a sort of way, than that of losing my Dad just two months ago.  Why?  Because, of course, Dad was ready. So ready. And although everybody with an earbud, an iphone and an itunes account could care less about quality radio programming, the whole affair broke my heart, to it's little core.
Winter 2011
10. sun. day in and day out. Glorious sun.  Drought in sixty percent of the lower forty-eight? Ouch.  But for today, we get out and enjoy this amazing weather. What else can we do?

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