Thursday, June 23, 2011

What is a catch basin & why do I care?

The tornado alert siren went off a few nights ago. Meanwhile the kids were already in the basement getting ready for an episode of The Next Generation, and I was getting ready for an hour of jigsaw puzzling. Yes, it was the solstice and high summer was upon us.  The rain and wind started pounding, and soon after I got comfortable, I realized we were flooding.  The catch basin had risen rapidly and we were caught offguard.  Peter was in DC and here I was, in a stinky basement, with two kids and possible threat of damaging storm coming through. The unencumbered woman knew that she was in over her head...thus rescued with a call for help. Mark raced over to help me clean the area. The man actually showed up in leyderhausen!!! The wonders of my friends never cease.  Today my catchbasin guy came by with one of his daughters helping him.  Dale was wearing a fabulous shirt that I had to get a shot of.  And, by the way, if you're scratching your head wondering what in the world a catch basin is, all I can do is shake my head, chuckling my favorite refrain: "only in Illinois".


  1. Okay, it turns out that our basement flooded, too. I'm not sure that it had anything to do with the catch basin; I concluded that there was just so very, very much rain in such a short time, all the city sewers backed up. I doubt that we were the only sufferers on that Tuesday eve.

    Weather indeed.

  2. Karen: You forgot to say that Mark looked ADORABLE in his lederhosen! xoxoxo Julia

  3. time I'm going to have to get a picture of those legs...he's such a jock!
