Thursday, October 27, 2011

Natural Suburbiaca

Not much time for running these days....phew!  I've been busy, running the household, alone with the kids for a few days (although help from Granny comes in handy), and working, every day, really!  It's all I can do to do a bit of running with students at school and a workout here or there.  Today we dropped one off at soccer practice and it was just about the most perfect autumn colored day one could ask for, as far as I could tell.  I scooched Ashby off to the trail across the road and we wandered around on the trail and near the river.  All we had was a half hour, but she caught the trail running/wandering bug, and insisted that next time we'd go for two hours, bringing snacks and run on the trail and have a great time. I can't wait.  So....although I'm not exactly finding my designated run times, I'm certainly moving!
Captured in her habitat, Suburban Mother/Athlete/Crochet Blogger
Only time will tell
My photographer said: "If only you (Mom) were a little taller, it would be easier to get the yellow in the shot...."
Here's a great way to capture the color!!!!!

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