Thursday, April 7, 2016

Vertical Stripey Skirt: Crochet Goddess that will not quit.

wrap-around skirt.
Messages from far-away Bloggersville.  Wither, Unencumbered Woman?  Has life up and dished a whole load of weight to bear? Or has the simple maintenance of a hobbyist blog become one more obligation, worthy of being ditched?  Who knows, but if I were to point my gnarly finger in any single direction it would be toward electoral politics, both near and far.  But let's not get into that Right Now, dear friend, because I have yarn work and fun to share!

recycled yarn.
One of the themes of 2016 is about using what I have, getting rid of stuff, and organizing everything left sitting around.  As per yarn projects, I've recently committed myself to finishing more yarn art pieces than I begin. Yes, my friends, I'm talking about a spending freeze on yarn, and to fellow fiberistas we know how punishing this diet can be. I'm stuck in a vicious cycle of completing all of the half-finished projects and repurposing old yarn for newer projects, while the joy of imagining new yarn, new pattern, will have to wait.  And so, at least two skeins of this rainbow fingering weight wool blend were purchased for a not so lovely pattern that fell by the wayside over a year ago.  Meantime I sat with a friend who was noodling around with a knit pattern that involved diagonal variegated stripes and I figured that this yarn would be a hit for an invented crochet skirt, with bold stripes.  I embarked on my own diagonal (okay, now it's vertical) stripe pattern, working three strands throughout: rainbow, grey, black.
double, triple crochet, three strand fun.
I've been carrying this one around for a while, and as I put the finishing touches on it, I felt sort of satisfied.  It's a long triangle, formed with simple double and treble crochet, edged and wrapped-cinch! A light blocking, an extended wrap around belt, and I've got a spunky look.

Funny, a few weeks ago I was talking to a friend and I guess I suggested that I was planning to make another crochet skirt, to which, he replied: "Karen, you don't need another skirt!"  I just about fell off my seat laughing.  It has never, ever, occurred to me that there would be an end to the hand crafted yarn skirt.  What would be more essential to a clothing diet than this? But then, maybe he was hinting that it's time for me to make him a skirt!  Maybe so...but for now, I'm dressed up in my new skirt, just in time for lighter weather.
There's always a new skirt.