Sunday, June 28, 2015

Remembering. Honoring.

After the terrorist massacre in Charleston, SC last week, I took pause in my social media life (okay, Facebook) to post, every day, a photo and memorial bit on each of the nine victims that were murdered in the Emanuel AME Church.  I kept the name of the youngest victim for the very last mention.  This young man, a hero in every sense of the word, was twenty six year old TyWanza Sanders.  When confronted with the most awful situation, moved to shield his eighty-seven year old Auntie from violent attack.
Freshwanza on Instagram

A google of Tywanza's name brought up his social media presence via his well maintained Instagram page.  In this snapshot, there's so much to observe and interpret.  I think it's hard for me to say the following without the finger-waving that goes along with it: "People spend so much time talking about heroes in this land (firefighter, police officer, veteran, active duty service personnel, white principal/teacher/mother taking care of her (white) students/children/etc.), but who is taking time to holler from the rooftops about this hero?"   I would expect to be worn down by the over-coverage of how wonderful all of the victims of this senseless slaughter were, but sadly, I can't seem to get enough.

So, let me share some of the moving images and ideas I found while digging around this Instagram feed.  I hope that you, LF, and a few others will take the time to estimate the enormous power, love, wisdom, and perspective that this young man endeavored to contribute.

Freshwanza's Insta feed is packed with photos of himself, family, friends, kids and babies.  Wisdom in ideas and mantras. Inspiration in drive and hope.


 A gorgeous sunny day and disposition to match.

A photo posted by TyWanza Sanders (@freshwanza) on

Young. Aware. Shaped by experience and driven to success and caring.

A photo posted by TyWanza Sanders (@freshwanza) on
A photo posted by TyWanza Sanders (@freshwanza) on