Tiny...you're so....cute!!!! |
OK, so the Unencumbered Woman is feeling a bit tethered these days. After all, there's work, practically every day of the week (how do people do this?) and then there are the children and spouse, all with squeaking needs and even requests for company and fun...what's a gal to do? Life goes on. I'm still training, although in a very modified Ironman fashion. Frequent blog visitors know that my posts have slowed down ( I blame Pinterest for that digression), and we've gotten some help in the house, which didn't come a moment too soon. Updates from the adventures in and around the suburbs? Two great photo-opportunitites in the recent past. The other day I was teaching in Ashby's class and she was proud to share with me the pet hermit crabs that reside with the Canyon Classroom. Cuddly creatures? Well, they tickle a little bit, and Ashby warned me that the one crawling on my hand did NOT have a tendency to pinch, unlike the other nibbler.
See Mom? She won't hurt you! |
I'm not too skittish about unusual pets, but having experienced the pinchers of Real Dungeness crabs when crabbing as a child, I'm hesitant to pick up any animal called a crab, even, well, if it isn't a real crab. But how could I resist? The students are so proud and Ashby was very proud of her extended responsibility this week.
And then today, what better excuse to NOT go for a bike ride than a birding adventure with our local birding expert extraordinaire, David. We went to Jackson Park, in Chicago, and were delighted to see all matter of winged and feathered friends.
The book displays were the only times that I didn't have my own binocs pasted to my eye! |
It's all about paying attention. |
Needless to say, we have a new hobby! We spotted sparrows, thrushes, cardinals, woodpeckers, and more. With field guide and binoculars in hand, we were ready to take it all on! A gorgeous day in the city , indeed! Who needs to ride a bike for four hours when they have access to such fun and learning!? So, It's all about balance, finding the right thing for the right time, and letting things happen as they should.
After three hours or so, Ashby is winding up, but the rest are just catching the bug! |
Japanese Garden...who knew??? Chicago Park District, that's who!