Tuesday, March 29, 2011

We're not goin' to the memory unit yet, goddammit!

Everyone in the family gets a stay at Regency.

Here we are, playing Bible memory.

Friday, March 25, 2011

...and what would you do?

photo credit: Ashby
So what would be an appropriate response, one might ask, if one or both of their eighty-something parents were in and out of rehab nursing homes and suffering from various age related illnesses and increasing dementia? Would an appropriate response be to create a fabulous granny square dress?

Joyce Carol Oates, A Widow's Story
And if one were suffering the above mentioned conditions, if one were limited to, say, one single author, who would one insist upon reading, through the late phase of their life as children, offspring, daughters? Which prolific artist would we insist upon?

And what's more, what sort of coping mechanisms might one employ to deal with the onslaught of chaos?
 Perhaps clean, update, and redesign major swaths of interior living space?  Check out the fabric on the pillows. I've been carrying sample swatches of Melinamade since 1994!  Finally purchased a large quantity of the boomerang charcoal and am finishing front porch furniture. 

It'll even double as my sewing room/office!

 And the final responses to stress? Cooking and humour! 
Addie behind the camera is bound and determined to make me laugh.
photo credit: Addie

What is that...a cobweb?

Flapjacks on a Friday morning? You betcha!

Oops....I forgot to work out this morning!

And so it goes.  Another week in the life of suburban mother/daughterhood.  My photographers are awesome, and
 we love to joke around and laugh with each other.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Not a day too soon!

 I was out for my Wednesday run and lo and behold....jog bra weather!  Unseasonably warm, but I'll take it!
Oh, glorious sun and warming weather!  Spring is coming! After watching that horrible sun-less Battlestar Galactica for a month, I can't stop thinking about how much magic that natural light and sun provide us.  Whatever the quality, take it....you never know. 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Don't it always seem to go...

Yesterday I finally got out on the bike with the guys. It felt good, but today a giant cup of coffee and the remainder of Romeo & Juliet with the girls seemed the way to go.  Later on I jumped on the trainer and pondered the end of all things.  The end of Battlestar Galactica is one that I'm struggling with.  This was a month long love affair that I will always cherish.  Kara Thrace, you provide inspiration for kick-ass girls everywhere!

Katee Sackhoff as Starbuck
And, well, now that BG is finished I need to find another entertainment source to fuel hours of trainer time.  YouTube, anyone? The possibilities are endless.  I find myself sucked into another vortex of looking back at the '70s and childhood. Where else would I go right now?  Look at Joni, she's so lovely and timeless.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Countdown to the insanity...

I feel sexier just looking at these tights! Who needs to exercise?
Well, it looks like about twenty seven weeks until Ironman Wisconsin.  I'm registered, but I'm not exactly enrolled.  Having a hard time justifying the time and energy required prior to event, when there is so much else to do, both required and recreational.  It's never too late to start training, however, and it's truly never too late to start gearing up.  Take, for example, what I stumbled upon while I was perusing the web for some new running shoes (yes, I buy my shoes online and I can't really say I feel guilty about it, given the weak selection of retail outlets here in suburbia).  But here they are, tights that will actually make my legs stronger and more rested, just by wearing them.  Price?  $175 (and that's with my VIP discount).  Needless to say, these tights are primarily targeted at triathletes--who else would blow a few days pay on leg covering?
Remember the '70's and '80's, when running was the domain of skinny guys in college towns like Eugene who grew long-ish hair and ate nuts and grains?  No longer so.  Lost souls of endurance sports, where are we?

Grete Waitz
Check out  Leo Kulinski's website. He has fantastic photos of bygone days.  Here's one of my all time heroes, Grete Waitz.  I think of her often. In fact, just the other day during a long run I remembered what she said about coming to the United States to run.  She observed that Americans were so crazed about running that they ran in place at traffic lights.  While I was bouncing around (or was I actually standing around?)  at the corner of LaGrange Road and 26th, I was reminded of this comment.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Not happy on the app front

Hildebrand Sporting Goods. Need I say more? How beautiful is this? Picked up everything I needed at the hardware store next door and I was off on my run. Beautiful morning, lucky me.  I've realized that blogging on the smartphone isn't all that I want it to be, thus a faulty entry and days waiting for upload that never happened.  I'm sure it's something that will be resolved before too long.  I'm also sort of curious about the location of the blog post itself.  I'm adding this text on my computer, but I started the post on the phone.  If I delete the entry from my phone, it is then lost to me forever.  Ah, impermanence!  I suppose it's all inevitable.